Our high quality standards for our products are also demonstrated by our cooperation in the standardization committees in explosion protection. We cooperate in the following committees in order to create the conditions for the safety of our products and your protection:
Standards committees in explosion protection:
- DIN NA 095-02 FBR
- DIN NA 104-02-05 AA
- DIN NA 095-02-09-02 AK
- DIN NA 104-02-07 AA
- DIN NA 104 BR
- DIN NA 109-00-01 AA
- DKE/AK 241.0.100 “CAG K 241”
- CEN/TC 305/WG 6
- CEN/TC 305/WG 7
- CEN/TC 305
- CEN/TC 296/WG 7
- IEC – TC 31/SC 31M/WG 2
- ISO/TC 67 /SC 6/WG 12
- ISO 28300/API 2000
- ISO 4201-1
- ISO 4201-2
DIN is a service provider for standardization– private-organized and registered as a non-profit association. More than 32,000 experts from industry, research, consumer protection and the public sector bring their expertise to develop market standards. Standards allow to promote the global trade, encourage innovation, ensure efficiency and quality and protect society as well as environment.
We are member in order to support the established standardization system, to consolidate our company’s position and to network efficiently with other experts.